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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 26, 2024

Global list mapping checker

I've received the Global List mapping email this morning which linked to this support article:

Any global list that deals with countries, languages or ethnicities is always going to be long with potentially more than 200 items in there, which takes a long time to go through manually and check. It would be great if there was a tool that would generate of of two lists:

1) Missing

This would be a simple Excel Spreadsheet:

Column A: Global List

Column B: List Object missing mapping(s)

This is effectively a quick "You need to check these items" list, but quite focussed down.

2) Full mappings list

This would be a bigger spreadsheet:

Column A: Global List

Column B: List Object

Column C: CTF Mapping

Column D: DfE Mapping

Column E: ISC Mapping

Columns C, D and E would show one of three items:

a) The actual mapping where it exists

b) N/A where no mapping is required

c) MISSING where mapping needs to be completed

As a possible extension to the second option, it could be useful to bring in some of the functionality along the lines used in Other School Manager where you'd have some extra columns:

Column F: Current Students

Column G: Applicant Students

Column H: Former Students

Column I: Current Staff

Column J: Applicant Staff

Column K: Former Staff

This would enable us to see whether the unmapped items were in use, which may mean we wouldn't need to get everything mapped straight away. Clearly this could be useful in the first option too, but as Columns C to H instead.

In terms of where to place these within iSAMS, I'd say Control Panel > Global Lists. Then add the relevant button(s) between the Title/Description and the functional part of the page.

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  • Admin
    Steven Israel
    Jul 31, 2024

    This can be requested as a report from our Reporting services team whom can be contacted via the main support address.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2024

    Just to clarify, the Column F to K would be a count of the number of times the List Object is used for the profile type.

    Neil Williams