Student Registers available as filters in Registration Manager Reports
This is a feature I have discussed directly with our account team but worth capturing here as well for wider input. Currently in Registration Manager > Report tab, the pupil filters do not include the ability to filter by pupils on particular r...
When using Leave Requests within Registration Manager, why have isams made it so that you have to select a tiny 'select all' box? Can isams not just show straight away if we have any pending, completed, approved or rejected requests?
Emails via wizard to record in student notes section
When sending emails via the email wizard, it would very useful to keep those records in the student notes section to keep all records together and easily accessible/viewable
Ability to hide / archive redundant school registration codes
Useful especially as I understand that all school registration codes have to be brought in-line with Government Codes. Hiding / archiving them would avoid errors.
Reg Alerts - enable a control to only receive reg alerts for pupils in your house
We would like the ability to add staff to the Reg Alerts and be able to select which Academic House they support, so that they are only alerted if the pupil is within their Academic House. Otherwise, their inbox gets filled with unnecessary Reg Al...
Is it possible to use the information in Scholarships & Exams to create an icon similar to when using student registers? We want our Scholars easily identified on student manager and the icons from student registers would work really well.
Linking the Scholarship & Exams info to Student Registers would be very helpful. This way scholars are easily identifiable to teachers via the icons available on Student Registers. It also makes it then easier to email scholars as a group via ...
When sending an email through Student Manager and the email wizard it would be nice to have a dropdown list in the sender options so that the staff member could be selected rather than having to type it in.