Amend the School Year in School Terms so that it shows as a true academic year, i.e. 2023/24, 2024/25? At present, the box will only allow 4 digits to be entered and displaying 2024 for a whole school year is confusing.
Future Absences Should Be Included in the Audit Trail
Registers on iSAMS are generated in the early hours, e.g. 3am. Within the Registration Manager module is a future absence system. Using this, we can instruct registers to be pre-populated with absence codes and notes.
So, when the register is gen...
Good morning. I have been askedif we can edit the default email template to include the school's official logo in the header. Essentially this would be enabling an image upload in the template editor. It would also be useful to customise the text ...
Bring 'Future School Name' field to Query Builder search
We found that the 'Future School Name' field is not available in the Query Builder Search in the Student Manager. We can find the intFutureSchool ID field but not the Future School Name field. This is one of the helpful field to quick track the fo...
Could the pay and contracts be made to hold past scales and superseded contracts, also some staff have multiple roles so need multiple contract and associated pay data can this functionality also be added.
Leave requests to be sorted by school or year group
We would like Leave Requests to be searchable by school or year group. We have Heads of Schools approve leave requests but within the system they have to look at all requests to see which are relevant for them.
Ability to add ULN before pupil is made into an exam candidate
We have been sent a Unique Learner Number (ULN) for a pupil joining Year 9. We are obliged to pass on this number if he later leaves to go to another state school so it needs to be stored on iSAMS now. But that would require him to be made into an...
Go straight to lesson registration from 'timetable ribbon'
On a teacher's home screen, they can see a graphic which shows the lessons that day. In SIMS, a staff member can click on a lesson which takes them instantly to the lesson registration screen for that lesson. This would be a lovely addition to iSA...