We would like to add some custom fields to contacts in Student Manager relating to employment details but would need to be able to record data about each individual in a contact record. This is fine for records that only include one individual per...
Addition of parent's profession field to email wizard
Please could the parent 'profession' be added as an option in the 'Select PARENT/CONTACT Field' in the Pupil Manager email wizard? Our Registrar would like to include it in certain email communications to parents.
The multiple select field in iSAMS requires you to always ctrl+click and always remember what selection that have been selected if you want to edit it. Instead of using this type of multi-select, I suggest iSAMS to use the tickbox with multi selec...
Filter Absence Notification to specific type of Absence
I know we can send parent notifications for absences via Registration Manager under Send Parent Notifications. However, we are currently unable to utilize this feature because it will send notifications for all types of absences, including those w...
Allow a 'Before' time to be added to Set based Registration Times
In our timetable structure we have a 5 minute buffer between the end of one period and the start of the next. This is built in to allow pupils time to transition between lessons in different classrooms or parts of the school. It would be very help...
Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, et
Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, etc? In short, one central location where all reports relating to a pupil can be downloaded at the same time?
The ability to add groups to your 'favorites'. We have lots of shared custom groups and this can make finding the group you need difficult, especially in some modules which have a relatively small box to select from. If a user was able to 'add to ...
It would be really useful to allow the fields in the export to be sorted, to avoid manually re-ordering the data in Excel. For instance, contact fields export alphabetically rather than in a logical order e.g. name, address, postcode etc.