During the Roll Over, schools are able to populate a future form but not a future year group. The latter would be most helpful, especially at multi-campus sites where the year groups do not necessarily follow sequentially. Plus, there are some sce...
In some large schools with multiple divisions, it is the academic secretary who authorises absence. In the Leave Request settings, you can only add form tutor, pastoral tutor etc. the ability to forward all leave requests to a member of the admin ...
In the Pupils Notes Report window, please add an option for 'Select All' under Note Type. It's a long list of the different types and such trouble to tick them one by one. Thank you.
Include "Contact Pupils' Teachers" Emails in Communication History
It would be helpful to see emails sent by staff using the "Contact Pupils' Teachers" function on the Wizard Bar within the list of sent emails relating to a pupin in the Communication History section of Student Manager. The icing on the cake would...
Contact Pupils Parents/Guardians feature on Student Manager Wizard Bar
I have received some requests from our staff for a "Contact Pupils' Parents/Guardians/Contacts" feature in the Student Manager Wizard Bar, just like we already have the "Contact Pupils' Teachers", but instead one for contacting their parents/guard...
Please could iSAMS add a search field for Email Address in the Contact Information section of Student Manager. We frequently have to search for contact email addresses due to SendGrid suppressions and/or emails received from parents without identi...
Reason for change - Filter to AM/PM Only and by Division
The new statutory guidance requires schools to record a reason for change when changing a students registration value. This is only a requirement for AM/PM registers but there is currently no way of filtering to this via the tab. This can be solve...
It would be really helpful to have same functionality as in Student Manager (Bulk AND Batch edit). Batch Edit would help massively in the HR Manager Module as updating staff information takes really long time even with the Bulk edit functionality ...
Changing the default setting when viewing a year groups registration periods from 'All Division' to the relevant division for each year group
Where a school has multiple divisions, and different set times for each division, iSAMS defaults to 'All Divisions'. Every registration period is visible even if not relevant to that year group. As each year group is associated with a particular d...