Registered Date visible in Current Pupils > Enrolment
Currently, the system allows recording Enrolment Date (Entry date) and Registered Date under Applicants, but when the applicant gets transferred to Current Pupil the Registered Date field is hidden, so we don't know when the pupil Joined the Schoo...
Allow schools to change the naming conventions to non gender specific titles
Please could schools be allowed to change some of the standard names for school roles to non gender specific ones i.e. changing House Master to Head of House.
Scholarship & Exams should be renamed to 'Concessions/ Discounts' or similar to cover all sort of discount being recorded on ISAMS.i.e: Bursary , Sibling Discount, Early settlement Discount, Staff Discounts, NHS Discount, Scholarships, and so ...
It would be helpful to be able to filter the access to different consent registers, so that only the filtered groups have access to complete the consent register from the portals, and for just groups of pupils to be included in the relevant consen...
Option to export or filter from the 'out of school'
It would be really useful to see just our division on the 'out of school' list. This could be be either being able to export the info then I could remove information that isn't relevant to our division, or by having a filter so we can select just ...
In the "Search" tab it should be possible to select students narrowed down and an email sent to them or parents. The list should be exportable
This is a powerful tool to narrow down students, but there is little one can do after you have identified the students of interest. Currently, you can mail merge to create a letter. this would be more useful if it was possible to send an email to ...
preview field values in student export wizard for single student export
Until October 2022 (pre-export-wizard-time) it was possible to already see the values to the fields in the export-pop-up when choosing only one student to export student data. In the new student export wizard (as of November 2022), the wizard only...
We are finding the new report format for registration reports quite difficult to work with as the reports now take up many more pages. For example, running a "Specific Code Analysis" report, filtering on N codes and grouping by Year produces a rep...
We would like to be able to print the pupil photos in bulk for multiple years, ie KS4 but to be arranged via Year group, then form and then alphabetically. At the moment it is just produced alphabetically with no options.Thanks
It would be useful to be able to copy an existing email template from the "Shared E-mail Templates" or "My E-Mails Templates" section. The current options are archive, edit or delete, and a copy button would be useful for when creating an addition...