Disciple record entry does not auto email form tutor, deputy head but neg housepoints does
I logged and call and was told the facility is not available. When a child gets a negative house point our form tutors and deputy head get an email. We have changed our paper system to isams for disciple records. Therefore we wanted it so if someo...
It would be really useful to allow the fields in the export to be sorted, to avoid manually re-ordering the data in Excel. For instance, contact fields export alphabetically rather than in a logical order e.g. name, address, postcode etc.
Filters options in Export Wizard should reflect the fields itself. For eg. if we would like to filter Relation Type it should be a drop-down where we can select the required relationships instead of guessing or having to refer to the original field.
We send out absence from lesson alerts to each child's contacts using the student manager email wizard. We use {{pupil.personaltutor}} to retrieve the name of the personal tutor in the body of this email. Is there a similar {{code}} that would pul...
Be allow to filter down using a list of UPNs or ID numbers in all modules, this would allow to copy a list of IDs from excel and paste into edgen to get back learners quicker. For things like making exam entries would help with making less mistake...
It would be useful for there to be a function that could produce all contact and relevant student information for parents to validate. This could be via an email that could be sent to all contacts with their address etc and any required student fi...