Please could you develop the ability to customise the items shown on the Pupil Quick View Details (Wizard Bar > Pupil Manager > Quick View Details)? Specifically, we would like to be able to show whether a pupil has any siblings currently at...
Attendance - Overall Percentage on Student Basic record
It would be extremely useful if a Student's Overall Attendance Percentage for the Academic Year to Date could be detailed in their basic record (possibly underneath their photograph). I appreciate that we have the Student Quick View option availab...
Ability to remove or hide built-in fields which are not used
There are some fields within the system that are either not relevant to our setting (e.g. Boarding House) or that we do not use (e.g. School Age) that we would like to be able to hide/remove from the user interface to make the system easier to use...
We use a number of external assessment systems like the CEM Centre's ALIS, MIDYIS and YELLIS testing, along with GL PTE and PTM scores. When we export data into those systems we include the iSAMS SchoolID so that when we want to import results int...
In the Pupils Notes Report window, please add an option for 'Select All' under Note Type. It's a long list of the different types and such trouble to tick them one by one. Thank you.
We are required to keep all current and previous address details for any pupil on a Sponsored Visa. The current suggested way to do this is via the Notes section within Contacts but it should really be possible to either maintain a proper, searcha...
If we could do an email wizrd and use Pupil Registers fields - this would be a huge time saver. We have Academic Interventions stored in the Registers Module - and if we want to send that information home in a letter- we currently have export them...
In the Student Manager Quick View Details screen, it displays the Tutor as e.g., Mr Brown. But if you have several staff with the name of Mr Brown, it is not helpful. So we would like to suggest that you add the Tutor Initials also to this field.
When I do a search and set the page size to ALL it persists for the rest of the session, but if I close the session and reopen it it then reverts back to the default (maximum 100). Could the list of options for the default be the same list we get ...
It would be useful for teachers and admin staff to be able to access to check that a parent is correctly identifiable when collecting students on campus.