Be able to bulk assign staff to gradebooks, an example would be to be able to select all gradebooks and assign the headteacher to see all gradebooks. Similarly select all gradebooks for a subject and assign the department head/subject head.
Downloading Reports from reports wizard to include target grade excel
When staff are downloading their reports from Reports Wizard, they were wondering in the download template, if our target grades could be pulled through on the same sheet to avoid looking at multiple data sheets? Is this at all possible? Thanks
Room cover - Allow two lessons to be added to one free room
We have many classes where we have to create two seperate sets but for all intents and purposes are one class taught at the same time by the same teacher. The best example of this are High Level and Standard Level IB Diploma classes. When re-roomi...
It would be great to have the option to re run reports for individual pupils rather than having to re run a whole year group when only one pupil's report has been amended and needs re publishing.
IMPORT Set NAME in the same template as CODE so they can be different
ALL you need is another column called SET NAME in the import template. It's an excel spreadsheet... A code is NOT a name. This should be very simple to action, the fields are in the same place and negates the need to auto populate the code. IF a s...
Making gradebooks, current and historic, available/published onto pupil profiles
We only use Gradebooks for academic progress and performance. We are battling to find a meaningful way of viewing a particular student's progress on their pupil profiles. Currently, it seems as though the Gradebook integration into pupil profiles ...
Set changes via import should appear in academic profile
When pupils are added to teaching sets via the import function in Teaching Groups Manager, it should write to the table [TblTeachingManagerSetChangesAddition] so that it can be shown in the academic profile part of the Pupil Profile e.g. the tab h...