1 On the stage when you are able to remove pupils from the seating plan with the green 'tick' to red 'no entry' symbol. If you then change to candidate number rather than surname - the next step - all your work disappears. The stages need to be sw...
Can we please have an option to quickly move a set to a different room ?At the moment we have to edit the timetable, select all periods and then change rooms.Can we have an option like 'Re-allocate set' in Useful timetable tools to change rooms ?
Could you please let me know if it is possible that the current data for Attendance, Rewards, Consequences (Red + Deadline) by students could be added to the report writing module when tutors write their tutor reports? It comes up on the final rep...
We have several divisions set up, as different year groups have timetables with different lesson lengths etc. For example, we have divisions for years 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8 - a teacher who teaches in all of these divisions gets three separa...
For those schools that do not have Estates manager, Please can we have a report that shows the room details ? It seems archaic to be able put data in but not see it. I cant even see a list on the screen of the classroom codes & capacities unle...
Enable printing of staff timetables when using MDT in a way that puts all divisions timetables in the same document.
Currently when you print a timetable for a staff member when using MDT's, you get the timetable for which the current timetable is selected, but also blank versions of all other timetables in the same PDF. Therefore, if a teacher appears in 3 divi...
Enable Gradebook columns in Student Focus with an associated Subject
We have gradebooks managed by Curriculum Manager. As such, all our Subjects are set up in the CM module and are available in Gradebooks as tags/filters etc. When adding gradebooks data to a Student focus model in Tracking Manager, however, the Sub...
When managing timetables via Configuration >> Manage Timetables, you see a list of all timetables listed on the system. These are listed in order by academic year, with the oldest timetables at the top. After a while this list becomes quite ...