Useful Timetable Tools - Transfer Timetable - to be able to transfer everything, not just lessons!
I found the "Transfer timetable" in "Useful Timetable Tools" very useful indeed.Although, the new teacher who takes over the whole role, takes over not just lessons, but all duties, meetings etc. of his predecessor, which are marked in the section...
Changing the Status for Learning Aims to Completed with an Actual End Date
It is a reqirement of the October Census that we record the Learning Aims for all our stduents which included a Planned End Date. It is also a requirement that the Acual End Date is entered for every Learning Aim with a reason. When students drop ...
When proofreading reports the proofreader sometimes notices errors in the General Comment provided for the whole class. However the proofreader cannot readily edit this. The option appears to be available, but in fact a General Comment as seen by ...
When you go to delete an exam programme or option from the Exams Manager module, you get a pop up warning message. (Example attached.) This message appears regardless of whether the programme/option has any entries or results attached to it. In ot...
Listing missing subjects and form tutor reports - include missing YEAR reports
Currently there is no way to check to see if ALL year comments where done in Report Wizard. Please can the List Missing... tool in Report Manager include a list of missing YEAR reports as well.
It would be great if summary fields from other iSAMS modules could pull through to Gradebooks. As a start point %age attendance, %lates, total merits, total sanction etc. Then staff could have these additional data items which already exist in iSA...
Ability to Show Cover Arrangements in Locate Free Objects and Periods
The Locate Free Objects and Periods feature on the Wizard Bar is very useful. However, it only uses details available on the published timetable, and does not take into account cover arrangements, e.g. that a room has been closed, or that a member...
In Teaching set lists, setting register flag and notes as default selection
When viewing Teaching set lists it would be advantageous to have Register Flag and Register notes set up as a default option. Teachers may forget to tick these, and these notes can be quite important in how a lesson can run.
When proofreading, and editing are turned on, Reports Wizard only allows the editing of the comment. It would be useful if the proofreader could edit any erroneous grade (eg. A, B, C, D) or judgement (eg. Excellent, Good, Average, Poor) fields.