Statement Bank which has a department wise option rather than being shared with the whole school.
It would be helpful if teachers could specify who they are sharing comments with (e.g. other teachers in their year group/department), or alternatively, if shared statements could be filtered by subject and year group.
Multiple registers is presently an all or nothing feature. Suggestion for a future update whereby lunch / tutor time can be the exception to this rule e.g. when a teacher teaches the same class before lunch as after lunch
A student being present the lesson before lunch say Physics but then leaves school at lunch time/during pm tutor time is still being marked automatically present for the Physics lesson after lunch.
We are a small school with small rooms. We also have a lot of students with Access Arrangements. As a result, we often have up to 5 different rooms with candidates for one examination.Because it is only possible to print out the desk labels per ex...
Allow iSAMS Administrator to view all data input in Report Wizard
I think it would be beneficial and time saving to allow iSAMS Administrators/Data Officer/Data Manager to see all data input in Report Wizard. Currently we need to select the teacher one by one to look at what they have put in the reports (i mean ...
Most schools will have an idea how many classes they want each staff member to teach. It would be great if this could be stored in Teaching Manager or Timetable manager. It could be really helpful in Cover Manager, working out who should be first ...
It would be VERY beneficial for teachers to be able to put their own pupil forecasts in, but have no access to the any other part of the External Exam Manager. It would be even better to lock it down so that teachers only have access to their subj...
It seems possible to allocate the same candidate number to several private candidates. Please could there be a check to stop this happening? It is currently not possible to sort on candidate number in the private candidate view. It would be helpfu...
It will be helpful to allow schools to have the options to assign covers for any free periods throughout each day. Not just the period which are timetabled. As there might be other events or duties that are not found in timetable.
The private candidate view is sorted by last name. Please can we have the same sorting options as on internal candidate view (for instance sort on No.) and also a candidate search. It will make it much easier to find the relevant candidate and wor...
We cannot currently do a room swap because presently a closed room cannot be re-roomed into. If closed rooms went into the scheduled list, for example, this would be possible.