We cannot currently do a room swap because presently a closed room cannot be re-roomed into. If closed rooms went into the scheduled list, for example, this would be possible.
It would be useful to be able to see the room capacities on a list of rooms
When viewing 'Manage Buildings and Classrooms' in Timetable Manager it would be useful to be able to see (and print out) a list of rooms with the room capacities. I have edited the rooms list to include the capacities for each room using the box p...
It would be really useful if there was functionality that if you remove a room closure in Cover Manager that it would revert any of the room swaps back to their original room, rather than having to do these all manually. Thank you.
It seems possible to allocate the same candidate number to several private candidates. Please could there be a check to stop this happening? It is currently not possible to sort on candidate number in the private candidate view. It would be helpfu...
Allow Exam Arrangements to be added against more than one exam code for a pupil
Many pupils have an exam arrangement for just one subject but most subjects often have two papers each with their own exam code. Current iSams system only allows one exam code to be added per pupil so e.g. Joe who has a processor for just English ...
Calculated columns in Gradebooks available in Tracking Manager
Now that Calculated Columns are sharable across Gradebooks, and able to publish to reports, that data must be being stored somewhere. Would it be possible, therefore, to view those columns in Tracking Manager?
The private candidate view is sorted by last name. Please can we have the same sorting options as on internal candidate view (for instance sort on No.) and also a candidate search. It will make it much easier to find the relevant candidate and wor...
At same time as new timetable restriction, auto prevent new academic year in apps
Whilst moving from development to new academic year there is a need to open timetable information up for it to be checked. A recent addition has been to release information to the wizard bar but NOT publish. However the information is released to ...
The ability for staff to add text with basic formatting in place such as italics or bold. Example below Pupil much enjoyed studying Orwell’s novel 'Animal Farm…'