Allow the import of data from Internal Exams Manager or allow the update of External Data Column's source/subject/aspect
If you need to update an import in Tracking Manager's External Data, this would currently mean making new external data columns and then changing all the calculated columns based on these columns. Allowing links to Internal Exams Manager or just u...
Notification to report writer based on form/HoY feedback
Our End of Year written reports have 3 major sections i.e. input by subject teachers, form tutor then Head of Year. During form tutors or Head of Year review of the reports, they will put a comment/remark in specific subject(s) if they see any iss...
It would be great if allocated cover wrote to the version of the teachers' timetable displayed on the app. We have worked quite hard to get teachers routinely using the app and we now have to walk this back a little so they can pick up cover. Many...
Calculate gradebook columns with transpose elements
Currently it is not possible to calculate the column with transposition elements correctly, since it takes the real mark and not the one we have created. I have been confirmed that it is only for information, but if we have the option to decide wh...
On the front page of the reports manager, there needs to be a pie chart displaying how many reports are due, have been drafted, and completed at a glance.Our Staff who write reports for lots of different sets during our report cycles often lose tr...
Getting historical data from previous year's gradebook is significant to refer as a baseline for this year. But once archiving gradebooks, nothing we can't do with it apart from exporting them out in excel format. Please have another option when a...
The cover person would like to see teachers appear on the Preview Cover report who don't need cover (so to keep track of colleagues off-site). I can't seem to locate the report in the SSRS area because it's a legacy report. Can it be made into an ...
Our staff find the 'Locate Free Objects and Periods' function really useful but wonder whether the option for pupils could be enhanced to include Boarding status and date of joining - this is to enable more accurate placing of pupils for tours. Of...
Creating and automatically sending Candidate Results
Requested improvement:We would need an efficient way to automatically produce and send students their exam results in a way that displays the student name and the school name. Why do we need this? As soon as children get their results they have on...