Currently the only Workflow Action is "Create a Wellbeing Record". It would be useful for these actions to include creating records in other modules. For example: if a student receives a certain number of Reward and Conduct Points add a record to ...
Filter Reward and Conduct report by Pastoral Tutor
In the reports section of the Reward and Conduct module, I want to be able to filter students by Pastoral Tutor. At the moment I can filter by teacher, year group, house and form within the pupil groups section. Please add Pastoral Tutor to this.
A link on the Wizard bar that would allow staff to add notes to a pupil quickly would be great to cut clicks needed. A bit like the Pupil Quick View, but being able to enter a note to the searched pupil.
Bulk edit notes and take a register in Student Registers
I would like to be able to take an attendance register for a specific group of students (thinking SEND interventions) and add notes to that group of students in bulk. I have created an interventions register and have children assigned to different...
Visibility Groups should have the ability to filter concerns by Year Group / Division from School Manager
Let me run you through our process: When a concern is logged, we DO NOT give the person logging the ability to assign visibility. This is because we don't want them to add in every person they can think of relating to the child, thinking that they...
Search bar with Surname / Forename under Wellbeing Manager Dashboard Overview tab
Creating a Search bar with Surname / Forename under Wellbeing Manager Dashboard Overview tab would help for a quick search to have the required pupil rather than the whole list. The search bar could go on the left hand side above the word 'student...
Process Security / Refined Field List Needed for Export Wizard
iSAMS have now rolled out a uniform Export Wizard facility across different modules. Within Pupil Manager we have the ability to lock down the ability to export data from the module (Process Security). This is very important as there are only some...
Detention Sessions to be able to be covered in Cover Manager
We are planning to use Cover Manager in the future to add duties, meetings, etc. as an availability/lesson to each staff member's timetable so when anyone is sick we can assign a cover for them in Cover Manager. It would be great if these detentio...
In the wellbeing module you can set pastoral flags, which can then be seen in pupil manager (similar to medical flags and SEN stars). It would be useful to also have these flags visible in the manage records page of the medical centre module.
Allow reference data to be edited by use without admin permissions on whole module
Our Head Nurse would like to be able to edit the Reference Data herself rather than asking an iSAMS admin to to this. To allow her to edit would mean giving full permissions to the whole module which I would prefer not to do. It would be helpful i...