If a concern is raised with multiple pupils, any update needs to be entered for every pupil individually. This can be very time consuming if there are lots of pupils who (say) happened to be bystanders. Can we create linked updates to what are eff...
Change terminology - in this case "Detention" for "Reflection"
It would be useful to be able to change the terminology from "detention" to "reflection". We prefer to make it clear that this time is a period for mindfulness and reflection after a negative behaviour incident. Additionally, most of our students ...
Allow uploaded documents to be viewed without downloading
It seems dangerous to force users to download documents regarding concerns rather than have a default option to view them in a browser without actually downloading it.. Whilst it is not iSAMS' concern what happens to a document after it has been d...
Documents in Medical Centre should arrange in chronological order
When upload documents for a pupil in Medical Centre, the documents are listed by filename (i.e. A first, Z last). The Documents should be arranged in chronological order so that users don't need to scroll through the list to find the latest info.
Option to update existing concern from new indicator/concern
It would be good if there was the option of updating an existing Concern from a newly created Indicator or Concern. We're just getting set up to use this module for the first time, and it seems like there might be times when a new Indicator or Con...
List identities alphabetically on the permissions page
It is impossible to keep track of which profiles have had permissions attached, as they are not shown in a logical order. Listing identities alphabetically on the permissions page would help. When 'add identity' is selected, all profiles continue ...
'Roles to Notify' should have the option to select the HSM, Tutor, SENCO
'Roles to Notify' currently pulls from the Primary Job Role field in HR manager which is not very useful. We need be able to select HSM (Housemaster/mistress), Tutor, etc for this feature to be useful. Pulling from User Groups or Security Profiles...
Confusion between Student Registrations (attendance) and Student Regsiters
Being new to iSAMS there has been a lot of confusion here between Registration (attendance) and Student Registers, so I have now started to refer to Registration as Attendance and so to differentiate I use the terminology Attendance Registers and ...