Sorting the dropdown in reporting cycle to the latest report as opposed to the oldest report
When you are adding a reporting cycle to a model the dropdown for the Report Cycle orders from the earliest report within the category as opposed to the latest report in the category. This is not the end of the world but it does involve scrolling ...
Simple options like SUM are missing. I have 69 columns I want to add. It has already taken half a day to add the columns and get them setup, it feels like it will take that long again to create a formula to add each of the columns individually!
Currently it only include subject reports. School may have other reports such as head of subject reports which need to be included in tracking as well.
It would be great if iSAMS can provide an option to download the imported data from External data Tab. This option will be really helpful when an ex-employee has imported the data but hasn't left any clue which data has been imported.