Add a time selector for timetable suspensions to cover manager
We have situations where whole Year levels will be gone for a certain time for example all Grade level 6 will be out for a local trip from 11am until 3pm. Right now the timetable suspension will only allow to mark a whole day, it would be really h...
Administering room cover across a long period of time
The cover manager has the ability to close rooms for specific time periods each day. If the closure is for just one day, the administrative work is relatively minimal. However, when closures extend over a longer period, the administrative workload...
We frequently need to switch one-off lessons between classrooms but this cannot be achieved through cover as the room needs to be closed to move the lesson out and the venue is then not available to receive the swapped lesson. It would be benefici...
Changes can come in last minute, post publication. Should a cover be deleted then it would be really useful to have the covering teacher emailed about it.
It would be useful if when you added a member of staff as unavailable they system checked if they were already allocated to cover and alerted or removed the cover.
COVER of Cover. Subject Teacher to take Specialism and be covered for 'Other' subjects same period
We call this Daisy Chaining. All our teachers, on top of a specialism take interest or social classes (e.g. PSE, Citizenship) and when a Teacher is absent in their own department, They take the cover as a priority which means the "Other" class nee...
Exporting staff absence stats from the Cover manager
Is there a way to export the following statistics from the Cover Manager? The total number of days absent per staff member over a selected period of time?
Paticularly useful for the invigiation workaround, I often need to mark multiple periods as cover not required, which is inefficient in terms of 'clicks'. Ctrl-Select works well in timetable and teaching managers and would be really helpful in Cov...
Email sent when Cover is cancelled after publication
Currently if yu cancel a cover, there is no email, so colleagues still think they have a cover to do, or there is confusion. If a cover is cancelled after publication, could an email be triggered?