When multiple room closures are published they all create individual emails.If a pupils has multiple lessons moved, even within one day, then they receive multiple emails. It would be good for pupils to receive a summary email with all room change...
Include data from Staff Meetings (Rooms / Teachers) in Cover Manager
The Staff Meetings are not considered when creating teacher absence or room closure in Cover Manager. A teacher in a weekly meeting is usually not available for cover, the same for the room which is used as the meeting room. Even so one teacher mi...
Be able to reset widgets: 'Top 5 Cover Teachers' and 'Top 5 Absent Teachers as and when we need
Can we have access/permissions to reset the 'Top 5 Cover Teachers' and 'Top 5 Absent Teachers' widgets ourselves, or if not, at least for them to be reset by iSams each academic year? The data is not very relevant or useful when it's pooling from ...
Cover Slip: First name of absent teacher to be added to <--COVER-CoverDetails-->
The field <--COVER-CoverDetails--> displays only the surname of the absent teacher. Can this field be update to include the absent teacher's first name be included? Thanks!
show room closures on manage cover menu, so I know that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher!
Show room closures on the 'manage cover' menu, so that I can see at a glance that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher (at the moment, I am having to create a fake teacher absence called 're-rooming', so I can see everything in one place)
We need to be able to track room changes and allow staff to see this and book available rooms. Eg. Y5 exam in Room 1 so need to move existing class from Room 1 to another room. Or Room 1 is free and someone wants to book it for a spelling class on...