There is currently only the access options of Read or Full for REST APIs as it pertains to Control Panel. Other modules also have Read, Write and Modify options. We have some applications requesting data via Wonde for the Global Lists within Contr...
Currently when you add a new List Object to new/existing Group, the object is arranged in alphabetical order. Should add a new feature whereby the objects could be arranged in whatever order the user prefers.
SEN flags - allows Wonde pull customized SEN Flags
As a private school, we do not use the standard DfE SEN flag/types (i.e. E, K, N etc). We have our own types and we managed them in Pupil Registers by creating the different flag/types in Configuration > Manage Sections > SEN > Register &...
We would like a few selected users to have full access to Email Manager, to enable a corporate approach to our email templates. However, my understanding is that we can't grant this without giving them full access to Control Panel, which we don't ...
A way to track audit of all exports happening through export wizard
This is mainly for backend management and will be useful to the IT team for each school. If a data is incorrect and several teachers have downloaded that data while it was incorrect, there is currently no way to point who has the wrong data and in...
Please consider updating the API functionality to allow our school to provide the enrolment status to our LA via the Wonde API connection. Currently this is extremely burdensome for the LA to manually add this data which impacts on us in schools w...
We use our supplied SendGrid login to carry out tasks, like view bounces, but there is a lot that just tells me I don't have access to or need to pay more. It would make sense to use the SendGrid API to bring in only the options and features we ne...
View/export email communication via API batch so they appear on MSP
Our iSams is integrated with MSP via a batch API. We currently use School Post for most school comms but would like to move to using iSams email wizard. School Post emails sync with MSP so that parents can view their school related emails on their...