Although we can control which pupils we allow third parties to see through the Batch API, it's all or nothing in terms of which fields of pupil data are accessible. For example, we might want an integrator to be able to access pupils' contacts, bu...
Could you please give us access to the component marks data via the API so My School Portal etc can show component exam marks along with the main grades. This would help pupils understand if they should re-sit etc. We have to produce a separate re...
We would like to have the ability to update the Current Education property, as seen in the attached screenshot, via the API. Currently, this is not possible.
It's now possible to authenticate to the Batch API with OAuth. This is great and a big improvement in sending the key as a query string of the URL which is very easy for a bad actor to sniff out and copy. However, there is no way to enforce that a...
We would like to pull in personal emails into third party systems like Firefly's School Post so that we can email staff personal emails in high importance circumstances. Similar functionality exists for staff personal mobile numbers.
For the Pupil Manager Datasets () within the Batch API It would be great if the 2 Applicant methods returned the same data as the Current Pupils Methods.
It would be helpful if the News Manager Category values could be included in the Batch APIs. Currently the category can be included in the batch but the values don't sync.
Include Availability schedule items on Timetable Batch API output
The ability to add Availability schedules for pupils and teachers is really useful to see on their timetables. Unfortunately, this information is not currently output on the with the timetable information in the Batch API method. So any external s...
The BATCH API call doesn't include the criterion and criterion description. It is not possible to pull standard/criteria based grades or ATLs in a viable format. It would be great if we could include that in the scops.