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IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS

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Gradebooks - export format to Excel

When exporting a gradebook into excel it would be beneficial if the formatting transferred as well. All our Gradebooks have standard styling indicating progress etc. However, when we export to excel it becomes a blank spreadsheet with no formattin...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1

When Late is clicked it shows the time the button was clicked

Currently when the Late button is clicked is shows the time the lesson started and not the current. It would be useful if it could show the time the late button was clicked.
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Reward & Conduct - teachers can see whole school reports - should be year group or division only

Currently teachers can see whole school reports but this should be capped at year group or possibly division. Primary teachers don´t need to see secondary conduct reports for example. We have issues where teacher parents are seeing their own child...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reward & Conduct Manager 1

Allow the Workflows Options in Wellbeing Manager to pull through data from the discipline manager.

It would be useful to have the ability to create workflows off of data from the Discipline Manage. eg Detentions - When a student gets two detentions in a week, an indicator is created
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Good Feature

Ability to add Head of Departments to gradebooks

The same function we had before in Markbooks. We used to add HoD by just ticking the Allow HoD tick box.Now, we can add them but we need to look for them in the staff list.A HoD and/or HoY tick box would be so useful.Also for only HoD and/or HoY t...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1 Next

Force postcode format on Admission Forms

Please could we have the ability to enforce the postcode format in the postcode field on Admission Forms? As far as I'm aware the only formatting option available at the moment on the form is to enforce first letter capitalisation. It would be nic...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Exam arrangements

The options available for access arrangements for exams are not completely meeting the needs that our pupils have. We would ideally need a 'colour overlay' tick box and a 'other' tick box. This would meet needs such as fidget toys, ear defenders, etc
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / External Exams Manager 2 Now

Gender Neutral preferred pronouns

Although we are a girls’ school, we have a number of pupils here who identify as male or gender neutral. As a result, we are increasingly being asked to use preferred gender pronouns rather than she, her and hers. At present there is a field for ‘...
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Email notification when a parent completes "Request a Callback"

We should be notified when a parent completes the "Request a Callback" form rather than having to check iSAMS several times a day to see if anyone has used the function.
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Add detention name and type to confirmation emails

Where fields like work set, location, and offence code are already included in detention confirmation emails, it would be extremely useful if the detention name or type could be included in this email. Where detentions can vary in severity or cont...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Discipline Manager 0 In Discovery