When adding elements to the registers, it would be useful to be able to add 'tickboxes' that are either 'true' if ticked, or 'false' if not. This is because some users find this much easier to work with then yes/no dropdowns...
Notification for Pastoral Leads/certain staff members if a student is absent for a longer period of time
It would be great if we could set up an automatic alert/notification for Pastoral Leads so they are reminded when any student is absent for a longer period of time.
Emails sent through the Student Manager to Parents and saved in the Communication History should be available in the Parent Portal so parents can see them.
We would like to be able to import and retrieve deposit details using the REST API, as this would enable us to integrate more closely with our CRM and Finance systems and ensure that deposits received are correctly recorded without having to resor...
Allow multiple staff to take responsibility for the same group
Our PE groups usually consist of two tutor groups, mixed male and female, with three PE teachers assigned. The teachers will arrange their groups according to the programme for a particular day so it is not feasible to set up three different sets ...
When proofreading reports the proofreader sometimes notices errors in the General Comment provided for the whole class. However the proofreader cannot readily edit this. The option appears to be available, but in fact a General Comment as seen by ...
Changing the Status for Learning Aims to Completed with an Actual End Date
It is a reqirement of the October Census that we record the Learning Aims for all our stduents which included a Planned End Date. It is also a requirement that the Acual End Date is entered for every Learning Aim with a reason. When students drop ...
When adding incidents or rewards for multiple students, teachers requested an option to have a search bar to add multiple students rather than trying to search them through forms or sets.
Some staff do not want to put an app onto their phone, they would like to claim expenses on the web therefore it would be useful to have a web portal for this purpose rather than solely an app.