Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...
Changing the Status for Learning Aims to Completed with an Actual End Date
It is a reqirement of the October Census that we record the Learning Aims for all our stduents which included a Planned End Date. It is also a requirement that the Acual End Date is entered for every Learning Aim with a reason. When students drop ...
Being able to edit the UCI number of a pupil on Pupil Manager
This would be useful for admissions and exams staff as pupils will often come to a new setting with a UCI in existence which we have to use to enable linking of results wherever the pupil may move to. It would help if the UCI number could be added...
Contacts (Advanced) Batch API add ability to filter for different MailMerge flags.
Currently one of our suppliers takes pupil and their contact details using the Batch APIs. However we would like to only include addresses of any type that have all mail merge or correspondence mail merge flags set. They provide the option to set ...
At the minute we are asking teachers to specify the teacher, description, Work Set and Department when giving out detentions but the notification to Parents doesn't include this information. it would be nice if we had the ability to customise the ...
We have house competitions, where the winning house gets e.g. 100 points, second gets 75 etc. We would like a way to add these into Rewards & Conduct without having them attached to an individual pupil.
Currently, only Full control permission user can perform the Import task on Student Registers. Could it be possible to open this function to modify permission users so they can perform that task. Full control permission is just for Configuration o...
Some staff do not want to put an app onto their phone, they would like to claim expenses on the web therefore it would be useful to have a web portal for this purpose rather than solely an app.