It would be really helpful if certain fields (or just custom fields) could be selectively added to the Wizard bar view for the module. For example Car Registration. We have certain staff (eg Reception) where it would be extremely useful for them t...
Currently, only Full control permission user can perform the Import task on Student Registers. Could it be possible to open this function to modify permission users so they can perform that task. Full control permission is just for Configuration o...
Create a pathway in the Student Portal to reflect on a report
After a subject report has been issued, I would love there to be some functionality for the students to reflect on their performance from within the Portal. To be able to acknowledge a teacher's comment would be really useful.
Change the focus of Detention Manager to Interventions Manager
To change from pure detention to more intervention with strategies employed that could be analysed for effectiveness. The rewards and conduct manager could feed into this and create the alert to action. Once this has been actioned and a resolution...
Adding 'Late' under the Ranges tab in the reports section of Registration Manager
In the Reports section of Registration Manager, under the 'Ranges' tab, it would be great if 'Lates' were added to the drop down. At the moment, if I want to run a report on all students who have been late at least 3 times in a week, I am currentl...
We have several year 12 or 13 classes (different set lists) per period. As we often can only have two screens and two registers open at any one time we print off the set list by day. If we want to do a print paper register it prints off a whole gr...
When proofreading, and editing are turned on, Reports Wizard only allows the editing of the comment. It would be useful if the proofreader could edit any erroneous grade (eg. A, B, C, D) or judgement (eg. Excellent, Good, Average, Poor) fields.
Daily Attendance reports automatically sent to pastoral tutors
In our previous MIS pastoral tutors received a daily report detailing any lateness and/or absences for their students. This was automated and sent a an email. They also received a weekly summary of the same information. How can we achieve this in ...
In Teaching set lists, setting register flag and notes as default selection
When viewing Teaching set lists it would be advantageous to have Register Flag and Register notes set up as a default option. Teachers may forget to tick these, and these notes can be quite important in how a lesson can run.