Extra warning before Deleting a Visit and all associated applicants
When deleting a Visit from an applicants record you are given two options, Remove Applicant and Delete Visit.Can we please have an extra warning when selecting Delete Visit. Underneath the Delete Visit button it currently says 'Delete Visit & ...
Ability to delete direct debit schedule, amend invoices and recreate schedule
Having created the direct debit schedule I then needed to delete a charge but couldn't yet I am able to make amendments for all other students that do not pay by direct debit. It would be helpful if the schedule could be deleted, changes made and ...
We are running the Parent Portal this year and there has been so much confusion amongst parents trying to create portal accounts despite detailed screenshot instructions. After parents receive the registration emails to create a portal account the...
Add static text to the form similar to competing products
We need to be able to add chunks of static text to a form in the admissions portal similar to competing products. The idea to create a text field in student manager with default text is non-workable. This seems a simple omission.Can this be addres...
When proofreading, and editing are turned on, Reports Wizard only allows the editing of the comment. It would be useful if the proofreader could edit any erroneous grade (eg. A, B, C, D) or judgement (eg. Excellent, Good, Average, Poor) fields.
It would be useful for diversity and inclusion reasons to be able to display a phonetic spelling of the name against their record, as well as in class lists and registers. This would mean that staff would know that they were correctly pronouncing ...
Student Photo Field added to Selected Pupil Export Wizard
We have to create customized lists for example Day Students not having lunch. The dining room has a photo list so they can check if students as they arrive in the dining room. Not currently possible to create these customized lists.
Pupil timetable: Export the whole year in .ics format, not one term at a time
At the moment, when students want to import their timetable (.ics) in their calendar, the exported files only contain information for one term. It would be great if the export file could include the whole year, so that pupils do not need to do the...
Empty Gradebook cells not being marked as 'Complete' in Report Cycle following Gradebook sync.
It would be great if, when we ran a Gradebook sync to a Report Cycle, that the students who do not have any gradebook marks are not marked as 'Complete' in the Report Cycle. It results in numerous students appearing with empty reports.