Show staff photo instead of silhouette for staff contact setup on the Admissions portal
We have added a contact to the Admissions Portal (the Registrar). It would be very beneficial for their photo to show instead of the basic silhouette so that prospective parents know what the Registrar looks like before they arrive. The photo is s...
Daily Bulletin filtered by Division in iTeacher app
It would be great to filter Daily Bulletins by Division, so that staff in specific divisions only see the Daily Bulletins meant for them, based on the division to which they belong.
When creating and importing a two week timetable, I need my timetable to show on two weeks. Currently I have to build one 10 day long week in Isams with Mon A and Mon B etc when importing it from Timetabler.If I then want to break this into two we...
We create a gradebook master per subject of each year group for an academic year. As all the reporting structures are the same when we come to map the next academic years future data we have to delete all the previous year mappings before creating...
Reports using Gradebook data should pull through to Pupil Profiles
The Assessment & Reports tab does not show any data for reports that have data which came from Gradebooks.The subjects are listed but none of the associated grades.Pupil Profiles is a key area for our teaching staff to see information on a stu...
Can we customise this so that we can add certain fields in the Add Staff Wizard instead of having to through the wizard, then have to search for that HR record, go into it and fill out the fields we want?
Bulk edit notes and take a register in Student Registers
I would like to be able to take an attendance register for a specific group of students (thinking SEND interventions) and add notes to that group of students in bulk. I have created an interventions register and have children assigned to different...
A link on the Wizard bar that would allow staff to add notes to a pupil quickly would be great to cut clicks needed. A bit like the Pupil Quick View, but being able to enter a note to the searched pupil.
For Custom Fields in the Management Optoins it has the functionality to "order items", but then when you view custom fields in the pupil record they are alphabetical. It would be useful to be able to order the view of custom fields in the pupil re...