It would be good to be able to filter by Admissions fields in Student Registers, eg Year of Entry, Year Group of Entry, Admissions Status. Only having 'applicants' as an option in the Name Search area means the list of available applicants is so l...
At same time as new timetable restriction, auto prevent new academic year in apps
Whilst moving from development to new academic year there is a need to open timetable information up for it to be checked. A recent addition has been to release information to the wizard bar but NOT publish. However the information is released to ...
'User List View' lets you filter the type of user accounts shown, but there is no way to view which users have 2FA enabled without going through the users 1 by 1. (or writing an SQL query that looks up blnTwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled = '0' in th...
Send absences entered in HR Manager to Cover Manager
Currently absence can be entered in Cover Manager and sent to HR Manager using the tick box at the bottom of the form. Please can this be set up the other way around, so that if an absence is added in HR Manager, it can be sent to the Cover Manage...
As we enter the new academic year we're reaching the point where we need to allocate pupils to Academic Houses. We try to keep siblings in the same house, so it would be really useful if we could have Sibling Academic House" available for export a...
We have hundreds of legacy expired custom groups. They need deleting one by one and it is a time consuming process because the view switches every time a delete is saved and the expired group needs finding again. I have third party apps that displ...
iSAMS Dashboard Should Respect Timetable Week Allocations
Within the Timetable Manager module you allocate weeks to control which week of the year is associated with each calendar week. However, the timetable on the iSAMS dashboard still displays a timetable even if you are in a week which has no allocat...
Enable creation of custom groups for emails via Parent Portal
To streamline our communications we would like to send emails via the parent portal to appear in the email history in the Parent App (currently Student Manager emails don't do this). We would need to create class, year and activity groups.
Calculated columns in Gradebooks available in Tracking Manager
Now that Calculated Columns are sharable across Gradebooks, and able to publish to reports, that data must be being stored somewhere. Would it be possible, therefore, to view those columns in Tracking Manager?
When recording a GP surgery against a pupil in the medical centre module, it would be useful to be able to search by postcode as sometimes parents only tell us the doctor name not the correct name of the practice.