We are currently seeking to transition to a paperless approach with respect to our admissions process. Presently, we manually enter applicant information from our website application form into iSAMS. We are nearing the final stages of completing o...
Be able to add Leave Request Role entries for indefinite leave periods
Within the Leave Request Settings in Registration Manager it is possible to add one or more 'approver' Roles, each of which has an upper and lower threshold on the number of days leave that can be approved. It is not possible to add a role entry w...
E.g. When a detention is moved onto the following week and then authorised again, the system does not re-notify parents, pupils, teachers etc with the amended detention details. Hence we have moved a detention on to find that the parents and pupil...
Attendance percentages can be customised between all registers & AM/PM registers
Currently student "quick view details shown when using "Quick View Details" and on reports show the overall attendance for all lesson registers. It would be useful to able to select only AM/PM registers instead of every register.
Parent Portal - Navigation Links for News Categories
It is possible to add a navigation link to the parent portal for different news categories, but it is not possible to display only the latest news stories or latest documentation for that particular category. When you show only one news category o...
Currently, when using the adding notes to Notes categories in Student Manager, there is no ability to restrict access. I know we can have No Access, Read, Write and Modify settings applied for notes as a whole but we are very used to being able to...