This is a really useful report, particularly when amendments have been made to the schedule after the invoice production. Unfortunately it is not available to be emailed.
It would be very convenient to be able to copy one pupil's timetable to give it to another. This would be good when a new pupil arrives during the academic year and would save entering them for a number of different classes one by one. Thanks.
Deactivate built-in register, e.g. Free School Meals
It doesn't seem possible to deactivate any of the built-in registers, e.g. Looked After and Free School Managers. We don't use those registers, so it would be useful to be able to deactivate them, so they do not appear in the drop-down list.
Allow staff to access bulk printing and grading matrix without access to portal publishing.
I have given our teachers access to Report printing so they can use Bulk printing as a good way of seeing who has written what in the reports and using the grading matrix. However, how do I block them from seeing the Portal Publishing
Ability to change age of consent in GDPR Module (for schools abroard who's country's laws require consent for students up to the age 18)
The consent age required by Luxembourg Law is 18 but the system is limited to the age of 16. Could you add a search field so schools can choose what consent age they require. Also, if you change this could you change the wording on the Consent For...
We are using the Student Registers enterprise version and are maintaining many list of students there, such as, SEN, CEM, Primary Assessment, Bus,... We would like to search out these list from Student manager. However, currently, only one option ...
Add Student Registers into the Report Filters in Registrations>Report
We are using the Student Registers Enterprise version and are maintaining many of groups of students in there, such as: SEN, Bus... We would like to run registrations reports for these groups of students in the Registration module as well. Current...
We are finding more and more that parents want to bring siblings and grandparents along to open mornings but there is no where on the applicant record that you can add these additional guests. The only way you can do this is via a note on the even...
Some documents get superseded, such as IHCPs. However we need to retain the old versions for a period in case of insurance claims or needing to review the history of a pupil. It would be great if we had the ability to archive documents. I would en...