View a timetable at an earlier date in the academic year.
We have had students change/drop subjects and also changes to teacher's timetables. It would be really useful to have a date option, to roll back to an earlier date in the academic year and view their timetable.
There is an option in the HR Manager to filter staff by "Year group taught", this only filters teaching sets for a grade not teaching forms. It should include both.
Make manual or gradeset entry and applying a transpose value editable within columns
Please can creating and editing columns in gradebooks allow for 'undoing' errors in thse simple ways: 1. Whether a column is manual entry or draws from a gradeset should be editable until data is entered - you shouldn't need to create the column f...
When assigning a group of pupils to a detention or wanting to move a group to a different detention, other detention slots will show red if one or more pupils are in that detention. If this is escalating a detention to the next afterschool detenti...
Users with View only permission to contacts can only see the main contacts screen in Student manager. This gives them the basic information but not all fields are displayed on this screen. Can you add a read only option of the edit contact details...
Deactivate built-in register, e.g. Free School Meals
It doesn't seem possible to deactivate any of the built-in registers, e.g. Looked After and Free School Managers. We don't use those registers, so it would be useful to be able to deactivate them, so they do not appear in the drop-down list.
Allow staff to access bulk printing and grading matrix without access to portal publishing.
I have given our teachers access to Report printing so they can use Bulk printing as a good way of seeing who has written what in the reports and using the grading matrix. However, how do I block them from seeing the Portal Publishing