Contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, as well as the staff page.
Have a separate contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, in addition to the staff manager section in order to create a proper separation between those that are employed by the school and those that aren't.
Notification for associated teachers. Currently, Teaching Manager > Configuration > Email the Old Teacher(s). / Email the New Teacher(s). not include associated teachers. Can it be included?
View a timetable at an earlier date in the academic year.
We have had students change/drop subjects and also changes to teacher's timetables. It would be really useful to have a date option, to roll back to an earlier date in the academic year and view their timetable.
This is a really useful report, particularly when amendments have been made to the schedule after the invoice production. Unfortunately it is not available to be emailed.
Could you please give us access to the component marks data via the API so My School Portal etc can show component exam marks along with the main grades. This would help pupils understand if they should re-sit etc. We have to produce a separate re...
It would be really helpful if we were able to either filter or pull out a list of applicants with the payment status - awaiting payment. This status is shown in the deposits tab and can be applicable to registration fees or deposits. It would be a...
It would be very convenient to be able to copy one pupil's timetable to give it to another. This would be good when a new pupil arrives during the academic year and would save entering them for a number of different classes one by one. Thanks.