Send Exam Fees Data from External Exams Module to Finance Modules without exporting manipulatin and then re-uploading
Add a routine that can send the external exam fees data from the external exams module directly to the finance modules. Benefit of saved time and lack of transcription errors for both Exams officers and Finance office staff.
Please could we have the option of displaying the Form name instead of the House group in brackets at the top of a child's record in Wellbeing Manager? Many of our schools do not use houses, and their Form is the most common group identifier used.
Hi it would be really helpfull to be able to do a sort of the codes in the fee section of the fee billing charge codes so that they sit correctly on our fee bill instead of having to manually move them so that the invoice looks correct.
When you add a radio list to an electronic form, the first item is auto-selected. This can be extremely misleading, especially when the response is a required element. It would be great if no item was auto-selected and therefore the parent is forc...
Allow the option to change drop down menu on Built in Stage Assessment Gradebooks (KS2)
Allow the option to change drop down menu on built in stage assessment gradebooks. This would be helpful in all gradebooks, but especially KS2. They should match the DFE Coding which is: GDS Working at greater depth EXS Working at the expected sta...
Allow the creation of SMS Templates, similar to email templates, with field variables etc, that can be used when creating texts using the SMS Wizard.As there is a "Manage SMS Templates" in the SMS Gateway module > Message Configuration section ...