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IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS

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Calculate gradebook columns with transpose elements

Currently it is not possible to calculate the column with transposition elements correctly, since it takes the real mark and not the one we have created. I have been confirmed that it is only for information, but if we have the option to decide wh...
Guest over 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1 Now

Make manual or gradeset entry and applying a transpose value editable within columns

Please can creating and editing columns in gradebooks allow for 'undoing' errors in thse simple ways: 1. Whether a column is manual entry or draws from a gradeset should be editable until data is entered - you shouldn't need to create the column f...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1 Good Feature

Automated Sibling Discounts

Our current fee billing software allows us to manage sibling discounts by automatically managing sibling links. It knows therefore to allocate each second and subsequent younger sibling with a 10% discount. When a sibling joins or leaves it would ...
Guest over 11 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Fee Billing 0 Good Feature

Reports in wizard bar

We would like to add an option for staff to run a report for other student registers we add to the system, similar to the current options for gifted and talented and SEN in the Student Registers on the wizard bar.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Registers 1

Ability to default present code

Default an optional present code to a majority (removing the placement text basically). Easier for teachers to record a minority, for example: the majority are school dinners (default code) with the option to change it to packed lunch.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Add historical data columns into Gradebook

Getting historical data from previous year's gradebook is significant to refer as a baseline for this year. But once archiving gradebooks, nothing we can't do with it apart from exporting them out in excel format. Please have another option when a...
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1 Later

Would it be possible to add automatic email reminders for Teachers?

Once the report cycle opens it would be great if we could set up automatic email reminders for the teaching staff throughout the time the report is open i.e. send a reminder every few days. Whilst this can currently be done with the information ta...
Guest about 5 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Sync a column of data from one gradebook to another

We want to record UCAS predictions in the yr12 gradebook in the summer term, then port that data to the new yr13 gradebook in September.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 1 In Discovery

Seamless transfer from admissions portal to parent portal

When a parent has used the admissions portal to apply and accept a place it would be good for them to then automatically be able to access the parent portal via the same login details. It just looks a bit dis-jointed that they then have to sign up...
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 1 Good Feature

Ability to select calculated columns in gradebooks to create student trackers

Hi there, While working on the tracking module and creating trackers using the Gradebooks, I have discovered that I am unable to select the calculated columns using the IF statements in the Gradebooks. Could you kindly suggest a solution to this p...
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Tracking Manager 0 In Discovery