We would like the option to archive the previous year's calendar, rather than delete it and lose all of the data (it may be that we need to check back on certain events). This way staff will only be able to access the current year's calendars. At ...
We are trying to use the sports fixtures data help in SOCS to automatically assign a student out of school with the correct absence code for any periods they are scheduled to attend an away fixture. Although the field 'Out of School' is visible vi...
Hi when people view the status of registration everyday, it's more convenient to see it in the order of grade/form, not family name. Because people are more familiar with student grade/form, not their family name. Now it looks a little messy.
Admissions Portal Forms need to feed back Consents into the Data Protection Module when merging a form submission.
At the moment the consent registers which can be added on the Admissions Portal forms feed the data back into the Data Protection module only when we approve a new submission. However every year we send out forms to parents and pupils that are alr...
Is there any way that the drop down on cash allocation in the sales ledger could have the balance on the account showing instead of the currency code please? The currency code means nothing to us but it would be very helpful to see the balances es...
It is frequently frustrating when wanting to work with data from several exports when you need a unique identifyer to do VLookUps and the School iD is not present when exporting data using Export Wizard or the reports tab of various modules. Could...
Auto update of initials to include BOTH forename and surname to enable useful [field] options in other areas
It would be very useful if the full initials of each student where updated automatically on entry to allow this [field] to be used within emails/reports etc where the full name of the student should not be divulged BUT allows the student to be ide...
Getting historical data from previous year's gradebook is significant to refer as a baseline for this year. But once archiving gradebooks, nothing we can't do with it apart from exporting them out in excel format. Please have another option when a...
The cover person would like to see teachers appear on the Preview Cover report who don't need cover (so to keep track of colleagues off-site). I can't seem to locate the report in the SSRS area because it's a legacy report. Can it be made into an ...