Hi, I was advised to Add Contact for Contacts if there are multiple email address / telephone numbers if I do not want to overwrite the existing ones, the same goes for Contact Address. This results in manual data entry of other information that d...
We currently have a number of parents who are temporarily resident in this country - in many cases they are academics on secondment to our local university - and who therefore have a local address; but who, for certain official or legal purposes, ...
Parents Usernames to be removed from the Security Options Username List
When setting up the Security Options for who has what access to the HR Manager module, if you select Add User > Username, the list not only shows all staff but also all the parents Usernames for their Parent Portal accounts. Can the list please...
Option to export or filter from the 'out of school'
It would be really useful to see just our division on the 'out of school' list. This could be be either being able to export the info then I could remove information that isn't relevant to our division, or by having a filter so we can select just ...
Make it possible to add house points using student iSAMS number.
Student names are not unique. When adding house points, or other interactions with students, it should be possible to search by student iSAMS number. Currently it is impossible to automate interactions with iSAMS when iSAMS numbers are not used, a...
It would be great to be able to choose what field to see when you use the quick view function from the wizard bar. For example to be able to add a pupils email to this view so you can quickly find that info.
Sometimes, when viewing information in the Registration Manager module, you are trying to monitor whether specific individuals have been registered. Although you can search for individual pupils or groups of pupils, there is no option to refresh t...
Customise Delete and Insert for Timetable Import Process
The new Delete & Insert process for timetable imports allows us to delete parts of an existing timetable as part of the import process. However, if you select, say, to delete Week B, all of Week B is deleted: class data, availability and meeti...
Can “No Cover Required” be a different colour rather than green
In Cover Manager > Manager Cover > Can the "No Cover Required" blocks be a different colour rather than green please? Maybe purple? At the moment when you are having a general overview it's hard to tell what is cover and what doesn't need to...
It would be very useful to be able to view the email queue before sending an email using the email wizard. (i.e. for an administrator to be able to see the current Communication Summary screen at any time, and not only after choosing to send an em...