The arrangements options is limited to what JCQ prescribes but some schools make their own basedata for other exam boards like the IB so more flexibility to the arrangements would be useful:- adding spell checker as an arrangement- ability to only...
As we have now moved over to Medical Centre module and all of our House Staff use the iTEacher app for recording evening and bedtime registers; it would be great if they could also use the app to record student medical issues in house and record t...
Add a useful tools to re-allocate a room timetable to another room easily
Would you please add one more tool in useful tools so that we can switch a room timetable to another room. it will make thing much more easier as re-allocate teachers timetables and sets timetables.Thank you,
It would be great if there could be a folder structure in the Cycle Manager area, Currently they are grouped by academic year but it would be good if we were able to define additional structure eg terms, half terms, divisions etc.
We are now applying our Mock Exam results into isams via the Assessment System module. We will also be publishing them onto the Parent Portal. To help the parents find the Mock Results we want to amend a couple of headings. On the Home Page we wou...
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was who have the consent?This is an issue we regularly have with separated parents.
We have added an extra year group to the Nursery (effectively N-3). However, the function does not exist to give it the NC year N-3, meaning we have had to assign it the form year 15. This has had an effect on rollover and register etc..
In order to comply with GDPR it would be useful to have a routine which allows bulk deletion of student records based on a date range. Users could enter an academic year date range ie 1st September 1995 to 31st August 1996 and the routine would de...