Able to select student to run reports in Portal Publishing > Manage Run
Currently in Manage Run, we can only select the whole year group. But there are times whereby we only need to run the reports for a number of pupils, rather than the whole year group. Would it be possible to have another field/drop-down to multi-s...
Similar Features on Internal Exam Manager as External
All the functions in External Exams Manager apart from the link to exam boards are equally as useful to be used in Internal Exams, including publication of TTs, seating plans, candidate cards, access arrangements, results for former students etc. ...
Add a time selector for timetable suspensions to cover manager
We have situations where whole Year levels will be gone for a certain time for example all Grade level 6 will be out for a local trip from 11am until 3pm. Right now the timetable suspension will only allow to mark a whole day, it would be really h...
Display staff who took register initials in Take a Register
When taking a register via Wizard > Take a Register, is it possible to be able to add a column that shows the member of staff who has entered the registration data? Some sets are registered by multiple staff (eg games, choir etc) and it would b...
Not send e-mail notifications if entry is deleted.
Our school nurse added a medication entry for a student and then noticed it was issued for the wrong student. The entry was then 'deleted' However the automatic notification system which is set for later in the day (as these notifications aren't i...
Rewards and Conduct - The ability to change the record date when adding multiple records in one go
It would be nice if it was possible to change the record date in rewards and conduct manager when adding multiple records in one go. At the moment this is only possible when adding student house points/sanctions individually.
Contact Pupils Parents/Guardians feature on Student Manager Wizard Bar
I have received some requests from our staff for a "Contact Pupils' Parents/Guardians/Contacts" feature in the Student Manager Wizard Bar, just like we already have the "Contact Pupils' Teachers", but instead one for contacting their parents/guard...
Could we please allow to create UPN before the term starts for new pupils. Normally schools uses other systems/tools which need to sync with iSAMS. Some of these systems perform overnight sync. So if we're only allow to create UPNs on first day of...