Hello, Schools have a legal requirement to notify parents once a students attendance falls below a certain percentage. This is not currently possible in Registration or Parent Portal notification features. Please could we allow the new Automated R...
When we have a candidate who has subject specific access arrangements eg extra time for maths currently we have to add the arrangement to each paper. In SQA arrangements we can add based on the subject It would save much time to have the choice of...
Where an asset purchase contains a quantity of items ie 20ipads. It would be useful to have the ability of dispose of a certain number at different times rather than having to dispose of them all at once.
Please could you develop the ability to customise the items shown on the Pupil Quick View Details (Wizard Bar > Pupil Manager > Quick View Details)? Specifically, we would like to be able to show whether a pupil has any siblings currently at...
Census Manager only provides a summary report so it is very difficult to validate your data when you cannot see what data the Census has based its summary on. Leavers have a big impact on the data. Could we please have detailed reports for each ar...
Enable granular permission to configure Manage Payment Gateways
Currently Full Access to the Control Panel is required in order to be able to configure "Manage Payment Gateways". This level of privileged access appears excessive.
SENCOs constantly tell me that the practical requirements of students needing the access arrangements Reading Aloud and Reading Pen are very different, and therefore should not be lumped together as the same category in Special Arrangements. Pleas...
When adding a detention, could an option to automatically add a conduct point in reward and conduct module be put in place? This would cut down time taken during lesson and registration as currently this is having to be added in 2 different places.
Nurses have to manually add the data and description of vaccinations eg Nasal Flu vaccine administered on a given day in school to eg circa 600 pupil records. iSAMS have said iSAMS can batch upload. We would prefer to update medical records oursel...