Being able to import from the school photographer using UPN rather than school id. Most schools use UPN's for each student rather than the School ID that ISAMS use. I spoke the the photographer and they had not hear of School ID but were happy to ...
Downloading Reports from reports wizard to include target grade excel
When staff are downloading their reports from Reports Wizard, they were wondering in the download template, if our target grades could be pulled through on the same sheet to avoid looking at multiple data sheets? Is this at all possible? Thanks
Room cover - Allow two lessons to be added to one free room
We have many classes where we have to create two seperate sets but for all intents and purposes are one class taught at the same time by the same teacher. The best example of this are High Level and Standard Level IB Diploma classes. When re-roomi...
SEN Overview Screen visible from clicking on the SEN Star
Whilst all the information is visible when clicking on the SEN star on the pupil list page in Student Manager, it would be really helpful if the Overview page was was visible to consolidate all the information in one place and for the teachers to ...
Add ability to show location of door and invigilation desk to seating plans
Cambridge exam regulations require that seating plans "show the position of each table and chair, and where each candidate will sit. It must also show the position of the invigilator’s desk and the direction the candidates will face.". At the mome...
Please could we have the facility of importing the summary attendance data from CTFs into EdGen? I'm referring to the session summary figures contained in the following tags within the CTF. There will usually be one set of these for each year of p...
Allow different default enquiry admission statuses for different types of enquiry form
At the moment the Enquiry Form takes the default Admission Status from the Admissions Enquiry Configuration screen. We have a standard enquiry form and a bursary enquiry form. Both of these will default to status of Enquiry but I want one to Enqui...