It would be really useful to build teaching/learning assistant timetables (and then to also be able to use them in conjunction with the cover manager module). We are an SEN school and have various 1:1 or classroom support assistants that job share...
I want to add more characteristics columns to gradebooks, such as FSM, PP etc. These are available and assigned to students in Pupil Manager (see first pic in attachment) but I need them to appear in Gradebooks (see second pic)
When using Leave Requests within Registration Manager, why have isams made it so that you have to select a tiny 'select all' box? Can isams not just show straight away if we have any pending, completed, approved or rejected requests?
Please could we have a recalculate function on direct debits. If you change fees or scholarship remission or bursary remissions within a pupils fee table, it would be great to have a recalculation function within direct debits to recalculate the r...
In Teaching Manager > Reports > Set Codes including Set Counters, a list of sets were shown together with the total number of pupils in each set. Please add more column by listing the teacher(s) who is/are teaching each set. Thank you.
The window size to input consultations and read previous consultations is extremely small, can this be made bigger? Is there the option, similar to primary care electronic patient record systems - such as EMIS or System One - to have a template wi...
1. Bill payer is company. 2. A copy of the bill is sent to the parent (Copy Bill Recipient). However in this copy of the bill, the bill to details is changed to the Parent Details. This create confusion to the parent (recipient). See screenshot 2 ...
The Out of School List should include students with a future absence
We are struggling to use the Future Absence lists at the moment as the students registered this way don't appear in the Out of School list. Personally I don't understand why they wouldn't. Surely an absence mark as a Future Absence is the same as ...
Being able to import from the school photographer using UPN rather than school id. Most schools use UPN's for each student rather than the School ID that ISAMS use. I spoke the the photographer and they had not hear of School ID but were happy to ...