We want to use the 'email all teachers of a pupil' functionality which is a great function in the wizard bar but my understanding is that staff need access to HR Manager. Understandably our HR team do not want staff to be able to access HR informa...
We would like email notifications to include the student's preferred name, rather than their first name. When a Reward and Conduct email is created it includes the Pupil name. In many East Asian countries, the first name is a formal name and is no...
Ability to disable Exam Timetable view for Pupils that are not ready yet
Currently, the Pupil Portal Manager only has the provision to turn on Public Exams view or not. It would be ideal to have the option to manage the Exam Timetables view in particular as most of the time, pupils need to verify their entries first bu...
It would be useful if one reward or sanction type automatically triggered another. Example 1 - when a pupil reaches 15 points they receive a distinction. Staff have to manually issue a distinction at this point, duplicating their work. Example 2 -...
Remove staff members first names from parent cloud portal
Under School Profile, Attendance, the full name of the teacher who took the register is displayed to parents. This should display as Mr/Mrs/Miss/Mx and Surname, rather than the full name of the teacher.
Report printing - display ONLY active OR relevant academic year report cycles
It would be very helpful if when using the BULK printing function in Report printing only the relevant cycles were displayed (active or current academic year) alternatively to include a filter where the user could select 'active' or eg 2024/2025/2...
Link rewards and conducts to Schedule/ Timetable on dashboard for ease and pupil group
By clicking on a specific lesson on the dashboard (schedule) it will bring up the ability to award pupils with greater ease and save going through the wizard each time.