Have emails from Student Manager Email Wizard appear in parent app Email History
Our parents like to keep track of their communications all in one place and unfortunately at the moment only the emails sent from Parent Portal Manager are appearing in the Email History in the app. This is great for whole group emails, but we wou...
Connects assessment column and mark element by export & import
This is my scenario, I connect each assessment column to the new report cycle and the mark element in the output report template one by one in many GradeBooks in each report quarters. The only one thing different is the report cycle, but the outpu...
It would be very useful to teachers to have the option of adding access arrangements to the teaching set list report found on the wizard bar as it would then allow them to see who requires extra time for class test.
We use ISAMS and SOCS in conjunction. We are looking at ways in which extra-curricular and sports teams teachers can access both medical and AEN data. Medical information is available on SOCS teamsheets with a clickable button highlighting the iss...
academic reports into "Docs and files" - auto save
Uploading every academic report for a pupil to 'pupil manager; is a tiresome task. PDF reports generated using 'Report printing' should be linked to 'Docs and files' of 'Pupil Manager. iSAMS has the unique ID for pupils and it can be used to ident...
In addition to being able to set the next year's boarding house and form in advance of the administrative rollover, it would also be useful to be able to set the future pastoral tutor, and have that become the tutor when rollover happens (like the...
having the students forename makes it easier for invigilators to identify them. Surnames are quite long in some circumstances. A forename is easier to find when looking or calling out a seating plan.
We can have different categories for allocating Merits (Attendance, behavior, uniform, etc) which help with analyzing merits issued. It would be useful if we can have this functionality in when entering pupils in detention.