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IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS

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JCQ arrangements for exams

There are many more exam access arrangements listed in the Exam Access Arrangements JCQ guidelines see link which you do not have listed a vailable in the registters : AA_regs_Revision_One_Sep23_FINAL.pdf ( , an example would be Timetab...
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / External Exams Manager 1 Now

Amend batch names in a cycle

It is very easy to mis-name a batch when in production & it would be extremely useful to be able to re-name batches so that they are easier to identify or correctly identify a batch for future reference.
Guest 12 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Fee Billing 0 Good Feature

Integration of user created Student Registers with External and Internal Exams Manager modules

Please add the two exams modules as available for integrations with any Student Register. This is more important than ever with the move away from SEN manager. Many thanks
Guest about 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Registers 0 In Discovery

Academic Search to include any set a Teacher teaches

When using the Academic tab in Pupil Manager search, only sets/classes show for the Primary Teacher of a set. Can this be changed to show all sets/classes a teacher teaches. Currently 2 teachers could share a set and have 4 periods each but only o...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 2 In Discovery

Layout of form in admissions manager

Can the field description be moved from below the field box to above it so that it make more sense.
Guest 6 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Adding Pupil Premium data automatically when you add a new FSM child

rather than having to put the same information on the 2 different registers
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Census Manager 1 In Discovery

Hide lesson from timetable

We currently have a few subjects (e.g. Philosophy of Religion and PSHE) which we rotate each half-term or term. At the moment to keep timetables correct and so registers correctly auto-default for staff we are adding/removing the lessons from the ...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager / Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

alphabetically sort report cycles when mapping report

When going to Report Mapping on a gradebook, it shows all report cycles in random order and, even if they are inactive. It would be very helpful and mitigate risk if you could: a) alphabetically sort the report mapping listb) only show active cycl...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 0 Good Feature

Turn off Reason/Descriptions on Parent Portal

We don't want Parents to see the Reason/Descriptions for Detentions and for rewards and conducts on the Parent Portal. It would be useful to have an option to turn this off. Particularly if an event involves another student and their name is on th...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 1 Good Feature

Ability to Disable Guest Accounts Creation and Customize Submission Page

It would be good if the school has control on guest user account creation since the portal belongs to school and the account is being created without our knowledge. From the Admission portal, anyone can create a guest account which we do not want ...
Guest 2 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 0 Awaiting Review