iTeacher App to have option to show preferred name with the official forename in brackets
Some pupils have different preferred names rather than official forenames. On the desktop version of iSAMS we can set it up so that staff can see the preferred names and the official name is in brackets, but on the iTeacher App there isn't the sam...
Show room name instead of room code on the master cover timetable and master spreadsheet
This year we had to assign codes to our rooms which are different than their original names, but our students and staff are used to using the original names. When I publish cover and room closure cover it displays the code instead of the name whic...
It is possible to remove PDFs from the Parent and Pupil Portals after running a publication routine. Typically this will be for one or two individual pupils. The order in which pupils are listed is by txtSchoolID and not in Surname Forename/Prefer...
Be able to add in other characteristics to gradebooks
We would like to be able to add in other characteristics into Gradebooks such as a Pupil Premium Flag, or whether the student receives FSM. Currently the list from step 4 of the Gradebook Wizard is uneditable.
Email pupils using a separate merge file to email students with unique information
Sometimes we need to email cohorts of pupils with details of how to access other systems (e.g., CEM assessments) with their own unique passcode. We would like the ability to be able to use a merge file with those unique passcodes already pre-prepa...
Gradebooks - function to automatically create gradebooks for each set/class and assigned to each teacher.
Gradebooks - A feature to automatically create gradebooks for each set/class, and assigned to the relevant teacher. Isams already has also this information, so it seems like it is something that should be straightforward to implement. If additiona...
The current flow for emails on iSAMS is that iSAMS prepares the email and submits it to MailBee.NET, an internal coding framework for sending emails out. MailBee.NET then dials out to Sendgrid/whatever server is configured, which is the SMTP serve...
It would be really great if we were able to easily produce a report from IFinance for Prepayments. The system is great, if you use the prepayment journal it creates all the journals for the months, but you still need to keep a spreadsheet running ...
Amend the School Year in School Terms so that it shows as a true academic year, i.e. 2023/24, 2024/25? At present, the box will only allow 4 digits to be entered and displaying 2024 for a whole school year is confusing.