Amend the School Year in School Terms so that it shows as a true academic year, i.e. 2023/24, 2024/25? At present, the box will only allow 4 digits to be entered and displaying 2024 for a whole school year is confusing.
Future Absences Should Be Included in the Audit Trail
Registers on iSAMS are generated in the early hours, e.g. 3am. Within the Registration Manager module is a future absence system. Using this, we can instruct registers to be pre-populated with absence codes and notes.
So, when the register is gen...
It would be really great if we were able to easily produce a report from IFinance for Prepayments. The system is great, if you use the prepayment journal it creates all the journals for the months, but you still need to keep a spreadsheet running ...
Parent Portal Document Upload - Permissions to view
You should be able to upload a document and choose what Parent is able to view the document. For example, if the parents are separated and the staff would like the parents to have different versions of a document. You are able to choose permission...
Full grades to be displayed in Assessments & Reports section in 'Student Profiling'
Pupils' assessment grades can be found in the Assessments & Reports section in the Student Profiling module. However, the full grades are currently only visible by hovering over it. As confirmed by the iSAMS team, that this section is hard-cod...
In addition to being able to set the next year's boarding house and form in advance of the administrative rollover, it would also be useful to be able to set the future pastoral tutor, and have that become the tutor when rollover happens (like the...
Bring 'Future School Name' field to Query Builder search
We found that the 'Future School Name' field is not available in the Query Builder Search in the Student Manager. We can find the intFutureSchool ID field but not the Future School Name field. This is one of the helpful field to quick track the fo...
Please can you make this feature 'House Points for the Whole Academic House" possible as soon as possible. As you can see, this is a very important feature in the Rewards and Conducts and we are lot requesting for it. Hope for your immediate atten...
Currently the Parent Portal is limited as to the data it can show, via a fixed list of Features. The Parent Portal would be more valuable if we could display more data on it. For example, we have plans in a SEN student register which we would like...