Archive withdrawn applicants without appearing in Fee Billing Manager
We have a number of applicants that withdraw after they have imported into iSams, it would be useful to have a system of archiving them without appearing in Fee Billing Manager, so we still have a record of them but without the worry of billing th...
Can we have the ability to archive rejected or withdrawn admissions but still have access to them for reporting purposes.
I would like the option to be able to archive Rejected or Withdrawn admissions so that they do not show up when looking at all students but are specifically available when wanting to report on Archived Admissions.
Recognising that this may need to wait until the Contact rewrite is complete, it would be useful for us to be able to update custom fields on contacts through the API. This would enable us to update parent Dates of Birth (stored on the contact as ...
This has already been raised (6 years ago!) but we want our HoS to be able to proofread JUST their own subject, and not be presented with every subject. It's very cumbersome for them to have to scroll through all subjects to check their own, and s...
Import due date info from iSAMS fee billing module (or allow various credit terms for a given client)
It would allow schools and your other clients to follow up which clients are actually late to pay their bills. For now, those reports are a mix of invoices that are past due and some that are not due yet because iFinance assumes all bills issued t...
When viewing the Gradeset Elements, the lists are Expanded, by default. Can they please be Compressed by default, so we don't have to keep scrolling up & down the screen to find the one we want. When adding Values to a Gradeset Element, that l...
Allow access arrangements to be editable for non SEN pupils
In the old SEN module, pupils could have access arrangments added without being on the register. In Student Registers, they need to be added to the SEN register for the access arrangements tab to appear. Can this tab be made editable for all pupil...