Option not to show SEN flags if Pupils are now "off register"
If the "SEN" characteristic is included in the gradebooks, it currently still shows a SEN flag for all pupils who have historically been on the SEN register - even when pupils have been moved "Off register" in the new "Pupil registers" module. It ...
when you create and electronic form and use the date field, for any date ie dob, date of transport, date of signing the form, the year starts at 1923! Obviously we don't select 1923 often, could the years available be revised please?
Would it be possible to schedule emails to go at certain points of the year to a certain type of person/group of people on the database to aid the admissions process? For example every January, on a set date, those who have accepted a place to joi...
Parent Portal Document Upload - Permissions to view
You should be able to upload a document and choose what Parent is able to view the document. For example, if the parents are separated and the staff would like the parents to have different versions of a document. You are able to choose permission...
Full grades to be displayed in Assessments & Reports section in 'Student Profiling'
Pupils' assessment grades can be found in the Assessments & Reports section in the Student Profiling module. However, the full grades are currently only visible by hovering over it. As confirmed by the iSAMS team, that this section is hard-cod...
Timetable Spreadsheets - Full Teacher Spreadsheet - Include All Timetabled Lessons/Meetings
We love the Timetable Spreadsheets feature but it would be great if there was a tickbox to include meetings and other timetabled lessons in the output. This would allow HoDs and other relevant staff to see availability across the full week for all...
Show staff's photo in Parent Portal School Directory
We've received feedback from a parent suggesting that it would be helpful for them to see the teacher's photo during parent-teacher conferences. Since we already have staff photos in the HR Manager module, it would be great if we could have the op...
This has already been raised (6 years ago!) but we want our HoS to be able to proofread JUST their own subject, and not be presented with every subject. It's very cumbersome for them to have to scroll through all subjects to check their own, and s...