The current flow for emails on iSAMS is that iSAMS prepares the email and submits it to MailBee.NET, an internal coding framework for sending emails out. MailBee.NET then dials out to Sendgrid/whatever server is configured, which is the SMTP serve...
Timetable Spreadsheets - Full Teacher Spreadsheet - Include All Timetabled Lessons/Meetings
We love the Timetable Spreadsheets feature but it would be great if there was a tickbox to include meetings and other timetabled lessons in the output. This would allow HoDs and other relevant staff to see availability across the full week for all...
It would be good to have the option to turn on or off the All Present and All Away options when taking the registration. This would force the teacher to mark each child present or not.
The ability to publish gradebook comments to parent and student portals in bulk. Or a setting to set the default visibility. We enter Gradebooks comments for every assessment and there is no way to publish these without going back into the comment...
Bulk Change <User Group>, <Security Group>, and <User Type>
I find it a bit odd that I can make changes to all other aside from: This make it incredibly tedious when you need to move people into a user/security group.For example: with the recent Medical Centre/Health Records changes we've created a new Sec...
Archive withdrawn applicants without appearing in Fee Billing Manager
We have a number of applicants that withdraw after they have imported into iSams, it would be useful to have a system of archiving them without appearing in Fee Billing Manager, so we still have a record of them but without the worry of billing th...
Having another option called ‘Neutral’ instead of just the current 'Postive' and 'Negative'
We would like to have a category called ‘Homework notification’ that is neither congratulatory nor pejorative. Currently this isn't possible as it must be either positive or negative. Thank you.
It would be really useful if the downloads that you drop from iFinance were the same as the downloads from iSAMs, I spend a lot of time making two spreadsheets the same before I can do what I actually want to do. If it came out as School ID, Surna...
I'm currently weighing up whether to run the Update Past Registration Data procedure. I really only want to run it for one student but I need to carefully assess whether it will inadvertently affect anyone else. I'd like to be able to run the proc...
On the old calendar view on the Parent Portal you had the option to view a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, or a whole term. It would be great if those views were also available on the new cloud portal.