Unable to deselect all items bought through to the select the ones you require. When wanting to pay just one item deselecting them all individually is long winded.
Sincere apologies - there was supposed to be a further explanation on here, but it seems to have disappeared. There is a way to do this - you can add a payment limit which will effectively deselect all your items.
However, on further reflection, we believe a simpler solution is warranted, hence this is now under further investigation.
Sincere apologies - there was supposed to be a further explanation on here, but it seems to have disappeared. There is a way to do this - you can add a payment limit which will effectively deselect all your items.
However, on further reflection, we believe a simpler solution is warranted, hence this is now under further investigation.
Thank you both for your input.
This does not exist. You have to manually deselect items.
This function does not already exist, there is not currently an option to tick a box to deselect ALL and then just ticket the ones you require.